The SLE5542 has an intelligent 256 bytes with Write Protection and Programmable Security Code (PSC) and with ISO 7816 smart card interface.
It is a standard, low-cost memory smart card. It has a 256 x 8 bit EEPROM data memory with 32 x 1 bit protection memory.
The SLE5542 is a fully compatible, upgraded version of the SLE4442.
The SLE5528 is a standard, low-cost EEPROM memory smartcard with 1Kbyte storage space. I t is a protected smart card that consists of 1,024 bytes of EEPROM memory. After eight successive incorrect entries the error counter will block any subsequent attempt at PSC verification and hence any possibility to write and erase.
The SLE5542 & SLE5528 memory card is ISO7816 compatible.
The Atmel AT24C02 is a contact only I2C (I-squared-C) memory smart card that provides 2K (2048 bits) of serial electrically erasable and programmable read-only memory (EEPROM).